Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dedicated to my mother joan marie boyd

there has never been a being like Mom. I stole from her when i was six. She took me in anyway.I was taught to hate her, and in middle school i Write this because life is precious as you are to me.i love you, When you go away, I dont think I will be able to play!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

You will be implanted by a RFID chip under New Health Care Bill Hr3590

Dear World,
Today is April 28th, in the year of our Lord 2010.
This is no conspiracy theory bs, check out the new health care bill HR 3590
It is called an Open Congress site which details this massive 2k page bill. You may also want to see all the lobbying interest pumping money into the various legislatures accounts.
We are on the verge of being wiped out by a Banker Bilderburg elite group via FEMA camps, the soon to be Amero dollar, foreign mercs already here ready to reinforce resistance to this chip.
Already National ID cards are on the verge of being issued to every swinging joe and jane. Next they will justify manditory chipping or RFIDs in your right or left hand or forehead within 36 months. There is within this bill provisions such as indoor taxes on Tanning (Wtf!)
Oh if you refuse to sign on and pay, your tax refund will be taken away.
Tabs to look up because you cannot ascertain or comprehend all the machinery involved in this goal to have One World Currency, One World Government, and One World Religion.
Back to the Bill, let's see, Required RFID implanted chip Sec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. This is no joke. But wait there is more;
So while your friends and family are out there doing their thing, Mondex, Motorolla and other companies are just dying to chip you.
Well I am ready to die (thank you Biggie Smalls r.i.p.) for what I believe in. If you want to see where we are going with Cap and Trade, I bet Al Gore will call for a tax for flagellations commoningly know as breaking wind. Check out these tags on line before they become obsolete, Aaron Russo, Alex Jones, End Game, Project Bluebeam, The Bilderberg group, World Bank, Skull and Bones,HAARP (please check this scify thriller coming to an open theater new you.
President Kennedy warned us of secret societies and a more objective media. In June of 63,he passed President Act 11111110 which ended the Federal Reserve. Of course he wanted to pull all troops out of 'Nam by the end of '65. Then in late Nov. of the same year, he was murdered.
You may want to check out Bank Financing in war.
I wrote to Senator Jim Demint to give me a reason (thank you Luther Vandross) for the FEMA camps which total about 480 right now. As of this date, No reply.
By the way, the gold which belongs to you and your grand parents, is no longer at Ft. Knox, The Federal Reserve has it. The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Fed EX.
The elite fear the masses gathering together without lobbyists, without parties, and out for one thing, Peace, and Liberty for all.
When you see troops outside your subdivision, and they start pounding down your door at 4 in the morning, don't say I didn't warn you.
People David Rockerfeller said it best, its all about Population Control.
In 1905, the Andrew Carneige Foundation in November sat around and said "What is the most effective way in reducing the population?" They came away with nothing but war.
I am going to stop because I challenge you Senators and HORs to get off the lobby pay roll, and remember who helped put you in office. Of course all the elections since Tiden and Hayes have been and are being fixed. Voting is a joke. I voted for Gore in 2000, and they said "Well Jimmy, Gore won the popular vote and the election, but he lost.
People get off of face book which is monitored by the CIA and my waste, organize, do your homework.
We need a leader to come forward like the late RFK, MLK, JFK. Someone who is beyond the reach of money.
Plato once said "Until all philosophers are kings, there will be no peace." Well is he right?
My monther's mortage went up 40 bucks last month by none other than Chase. When we tried to get an answer, we came up with more numbers than the Mafia, and got no where. Wait six months from now, and it will go up again just on interest alone.
I am done. If I die, I die in fear of the Lord. I tried to help mankind, and my country. I pray you just follow the Big Ten (not football), do the right thing the first time.
To be frank, I am afraid of history repeating itself like say April 1861 or November 1917 in Russia. Or 1933 in Germany. Or 1948 in China.
I challenge all politicans to come clean, address this RFID tags, and the FEMA Camps like Now!
God help us,
Cole Bolchoz